What is the difference between Send and Share?

Email invitation

Preview invitation

Share invitation

Preview login

Prospect needs to register (name and email only)


Email sent through the system, sent from a ”noreply” address YOUR NAME will appear on the subject

You share a link in a PM (Personal message) Messenger, Whatsapp etc.

Prospect data on your dashboard

Prospect name, date and email will be automatically added to your data base (or history if he is already in your DB)

Prospect name, date and email will be automatically added to your data base after registration.

Video view tracking

Prospect does not need to register to watch the video. Date and time of video watched will be added to your dashboard automatically.

Prospect needs to register (name and email only) if you want to track if the video was viewed.
Date and time of video watched will be added to your dashboard.

Email and Share / How it works?
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